Insurgency controller config
Insurgency controller config

insurgency controller config

Assign your grenades, flashbangs, etc., to specific keys on your keyboard.Allow you to equip explosives more quickly.How it solves the problem: Binding explosives such as grenades, flashbangs, and smoke grenades, to specific keys will get rid of pressing a key multiple times. Thankfully, there is now an option to bind explosives to specific keys. This proved to be a nuisance for many players as having two or three explosives will require you to press a key multiple times. The problem: Back in Insurgency: Sandstorm’s early days, there was no option to bind certain explosives to specific keys. Click change and assign left and right lean to your side buttons.Scroll down and search for the lean actions.Making leaning easier with just a click of the thumb and not having to lift your fingers off from the movement keys.How it solves the problem: Binding lean to your mouse side buttons will alleviate the problem with moving while leaning and reduce stress on your movement fingers. But if you’re having trouble with Q and E being the default keybinds for leaning, you can try rebinding them to your mouse side buttons if you have one. The problem: Leaning can save you the hassle of exposing your entire body around a corner, allowing you to expose only the upper part of your body. Change the color scheme to your own preference.Reduce the chance of shooting or possibly killing your teammates.And changing the color scheme to darker and less transparent colors will: How it solves the problem: Having the ability to customize the color scheme will let you choose the colors that you suit the best. This makes the default color scheme hard to see, especially in Bab where friendly marks blend in with the snowy terrain of the map. The problem: There are many areas and maps in Insurgency: Sandstorm that are lightly colored, making some colors blend in with the environment. Uncheck the View Bob to disable the setting.Have a better gaming experience, especially for players with motion sickness.How it solves the problem: Disabling bob will help players that are prone to motion sickness to have a better gaming experience. Thankfully, the game has an option to disable this feature. Bobbing is a way to simulate the way a person’s body moves while taking steps. The problem: Many players get motion sickness from the swaying movement of the camera when the character starts moving making the game unplayable. Under the Game tab, search for the HUD section.Take out the need to press a key to show the compass.Teammates calling out enemies’ directions will show up in the compass. How it solves the problem: The compass can be seen at the bottom, allowing players to quickly gather info from other teammates. The problem: The compass is a useful tool in Insurgency: Sandstorm that is disabled by default. Check Always Show Fire Mode Selection to enable the setting.Search for the HUD section under the Game tab.Know what mode you’re on by just looking at the bottom right corner and without needing to hold the reload button.How it solves the problem: Enabling this setting will show the firing mode selection at all times and is found at the bottom right corner of the screen. This will end up in awkward moments where you engage an enemy, not knowing you’re on semi-auto, and you end up dying. The problem: There are instances where you might have switched from full-auto to semi-auto at some point and forgot to switch it back later. Uncheck Allow Contextual Cycle Optic Hint to disable it.Under the Game tab, go to the Accessibility section.Give a cleaner screen when aiming down sights.How it solves the problem: Disabling this setting will remove the icon whenever you aim down on an optic with different zoom levels. The icon is most noticeable on scopes with 4x magnification and higher as it appears inside the scope. The problem: When enabled, the contextual cycle optic hint shows an icon whenever you’re aiming down sights on an optic with different zoom levels. Go to Accessibility and uncheck Allow Lesson Hints to disable it.


How it solves the problem: By disabling lesson hints, you free the screen of unnecessary and obstructive pop-up texts. Think of it as the pop-ups that show up during tutorials. The problem: Lesson hints are messages and pop-ups that appear on your screen during gameplay. So, today, we’ll be going through 25 of the best settings that can give you an advantage and help you up your game. This will help you have a better gaming experience by utilizing many features and tweaking in-game settings.

insurgency controller config insurgency controller config

There are many ways to customize your Insurgency: Sandstorm experience to your own preference. So many settings but which ones give you an advantage?

Insurgency controller config